According to ancient texts there are 84,000 hatha yoga poses (also known as hatha yoga asananas). Fortunately you don’t need to learn all of these to get the benefits of yoga. We’ll look at some of the most popular ones on this page.
If you’re looking for some motivation then check out the 7 reasons guys should do yoga. Often-times when we men practice yoga there can be a slight tendency to have a macho attitude and to base our self-image and sense of achievement on how far we can push ourselves in the postures. It’s best to leave this attitude to one side when doing your hatha yoga practice.
Yoga is best approached with an attitude of inquisitive innocence. Your job is to notice and explore the range of movement, breath and awareness you have as you practice. Just be with your body where it is at in the moment you are utilising the asanas, regardless of where you think it should be, and enjoy.
Want a pre-made routine? Check out the Yoga Positions for Beginners routine
Hatha Yoga Poses Guide
Here you’ll find beginner yoga poses, as well as advanced yoga positions. Feel free to construct your own routines, ensuring you get a good balance of backward and forward bends.
Click on any of yoga positions listed for a full description of how to practice it, along with it’s benefits and any contra-indications you need to be aware of.
Asanas are listed in order of English name/Sanskrit name, and Sanskrit name/English name.
Hatha Yoga Poses – English / Sanskrit
Bow pose / Dhanurasana
Bridge pose / Setu Bandhasana
Camel pose / Ustrasana
Child Pose / Balasana
Cobra pose / Bhujangasana
Corpse pose / Savasana
Downward Facing Dog / Adho Mukha Svanasana
Fish pose / Matsyasana
Forward bend (seated) / Paschimottanasana
Half Spinal Twist / Ardha Matsyendrasana
Headstand / Sirshasana
Locust pose / Salabhasana
Lord Shiva’s pose / Natarajasana
Plough pose / Halasana
Shoulderstand / Sarvangasana
Sun Salutation / Surya Namaskar
Tree pose / Vrksasana
Triangle pose / Trikonasana
Warrior II pose / Virabhadrasana II
Yoga Mudra (variation)
Hatha Yoga Poses – Sanskrit / English
Adho Mukha Svanasana / Downward Facing Dog
Ardha Matsyendrasana / Half Spinal Twist
Balasana / Child pose
Bhujangasana / Cobra pose
Dhanurasana / Bow pose
Halasana / Plough pose
Matsyasana / Fish pose
Natarajasana / Lord Shiva’s pose
Paschimottasana / Forward Bend (seated)
Salabhasana / Locust pose
Sarvangasana / Shoulderstand
Savasana / Corpse pose
Setu Bandhasana / Bridge pose
Sirshasana / Headstand
Surya Namaskar / Sun Salutation
Trikonasana / Triangle pose
Ustrasana / Camel pose
Virabhadrasana II / Warrior II pose
Vrksasana / Tree pose
Yoga Mudra (variation)
Follow the link to check out different styles of hatha yoga
See musician Goldie talk about the benefits of hatha yoga poses on the BBC