Hatha Yoga for Vibrant Health
The health benefits of yoga are enormous. Regular practice allows you to experience things you thought were beyond you. It can also give you new levels of strength, flexibility and energy.
When I started doing yoga I quickly realized that it was something very different from my regular fitness regime. Positive changes came thick and fast and I began to experience a new level of health and vitality.
Most of us guys spend more time looking after our cars than our bodies. We make sure it gets the right grade of fuel, and we know that with regular maintenance it will have a better chance of staying on the road and avoiding breakdowns. If only we would treat ourselves as well as this.
The good news, though, is that yoga provides a complete system to keep your body and mind on the road – from diet, to movement and meditation, yoga is the perfect package. And it’s never too late to begin. In fact, you might want to check out 7 good reasons men should do yoga.
Most modern medicine and many exercise systems specialize in one part of the body, but yoga offers a truly holistic approach. Yoga builds change at a cellular level, as well as on the bones and muscles. A balanced hatha yoga workout is perfect for your mind, body and spirit.
List Of Health Benefits of Yoga
- Better heart health
- Yoga can help fix erectile dysfunction
- Lowers high blood pressure
- Helps to prevent diabetes
- Reduce and get rid of back pain
- Improved circulation
- Better eyesight with yoga eye exercises
- Yoga postures are the perfect sciatica stretches
- Digestive system is improved
- Better elimination of toxins from the body
- Try yoga for neck pain
- Lose weight quickly and safely
- Impovements in skin condition
- Boosts natural prostate health
- Yoga for arthritis reduces joint pain and inflammation
- Some signs of ageing reversed
- Helps prevent headaches and migraine attacks
- Yoga is one of the best methods to stop smoking
- More positive mental attitude
- Yoga for Carpal Tunnel and RSI
- Greater flexibility
- Improved stamina and consistent energy levels
Pretty good, eh? And that list is by no means the end of matters. Yoga can even help you improve sports performance. One other benefit is that you begin to tune into your body, and this increased body-awareness can help you let go of habits that aren’t healthy. It actually becomes easier to break destructive habits.
Many modern yogis have found that their old patterns of over-eating, drinking or smoking too much have fallen away naturally and gracefully as their yoga practice has strengthened. The benefits of hatha yoga go way beyond physical fitness.