A yoga swing might look very curious and peculiar at first glance. With multiple harnesses and a vaguely hammock-like appearance, it can be easy to dismiss it as a gimmick. However, these strange contraptions have some truly astounding health benefits and can completely eliminate lifelong back and spine problems.
Hanging Around On Your Yoga Swing
A yoga trapeze/ swing, is hard to describe. Typically it consists of a seat (like any conventional swing), and multiple harnesses and handles that hang down from the ceiling. Sometimes the swing is attached to a tripod shaped circular stand, called the ‘rock-it’ stand. It is a very peculiar looking contraption indeed, and you won’t realize its benefits until you actually start using one.
Individual swing designs may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and model to model. Some may have just one arm harness, others may have several. Some may employ the aforementioned ‘rock-it’ stand, while others may simply be hung from the ceiling or a door-frame. These ones are generally more convenient and portable.
The swing is typically made from high-grade nylon (the same kind used in parachutes), the handles from soft foam used in bicycles, and the hooks are made of steel. The swing is completely adjustable and can be suited to fit any body, regardless of height or weight.
The swing, with its multiple harnesses, affords complete freedom of movement to the body as it hangs off the ground. Think of it as swimming in air – you are as free to move your body around as you would be in water. Vertical, horizontal, inverted – it will help your body to stretch itself in any position imaginable.
How Does A Yoga Swing Work?
A swing can be used to perform multiple exercises. These may involve hanging vertically upside down, stretched out on the harnesses, or sitting upright in the swing. In essence, it’s designed to ensure that the body can get into whichever position it wants to, without much strain.
Exercises performed with a yoga trapeze are called anti-gravity exercises since they involve stretching out the body in mid-air.
Yoga swings are used in a number of yoga schools to maximize the impact of yogic exercises while minimizing the chances of injury.
What are the Benefits of a Yoga Swing?
The benefits using one of these devices are threefold:
1. Relieves Pain – Over time, joints in the body – especially in the spine – tend to get compressed, leading to pain and stress. For instance, the spine is made up of 33 disc shaped bones (‘vertebrae’). Each disc shaped bone is separated by a few millimeters. With use, the bones in the spinal column get compressed, closing in the gap between the discs.
Exercising on a swing allows the body to stretch itself out in myriad positions. The traction afforded by a yoga swing is great for relieving joint pain permanently, especially in the back. Use the swing for just a few minutes per day and you can say goodbye to chronic back pain forever.
2. Strength Gains – In a yoga swing, you are basically moving against gravity (hence the name ‘anti-gravity exercises’). This causes your muscles to work much harder, strengthening the body, especially the back and abdomen muscles.
3. Improves Flexibility – Using one of these devices is quite like floating in free air. This means you can move your body in whichever position you find comfortable. This increases flexibility and suppleness exponentially.
Practicing with a yoga swing is, in short, great for increasing the body’s flexibility, suppleness and strength. But perhaps most importantly, it doesn’t feel like ‘working out’. Sure, you can get up a sweat pretty quickly, but the free-flowing movements of the swing are extremely enjoyable and fun, and many use them just for some gentle stretching, chill-out time.
Fancy one? Check out the Yoga Trapeze at Yoga-Body-Naturals.com