Foam Rolling

Foam Rolling

Poor Man’s Massage or a Body-Mind-Soul Exercise? guest post by Ellie Bieling What is foam rolling? Never heard of it? Is it a purely physical exercise? In this guest article, Elle Bieling of Body Window tells us all we need to know The Case for the Poor Man’s Massage...


Discovering The Courage To Be You How many times do you hold back expressing what you know to be true? Do you find yourself consciously adapting yourself in order to fit in? Do you have a fear that if the real you were revealed then people wouldn’t accept it? Most of...
7 Good Reasons Why Men Should Do Yoga

7 Good Reasons Why Men Should Do Yoga

Ok, men. Yoga might have seemed like something for women but here is a list just for you. No more excuses! 1 Yoga will boost your sex life. Ok, so I used that as an attention grabber, but it worked, and more importantly, it’s true. Regular yoga practice helps with...
Laughing Yoga

Laughing Yoga

It Really is the Best Medicine Laughing yoga brings a welcome lightness to the over-seriousness of some yoga practice. And it brings huge health benefits too. In the early days of my yoga and spiritual life I was quite earnest, and there wasn’t much room for fun...
Become a Yoga Teacher

Become a Yoga Teacher

Yoga Teacher Training Certification Guide Looking to become a yoga teacher? Our guide helps you choose the correct yoga teacher training certification route for you. If you become a yoga instructor you have found a great way to share your passion and to help other....
Yoga For Tennis

Yoga For Tennis

Mastering The Fuzzy Green Ball Yoga for tennis? Perhaps in no other sport is the combination of absolute strength, speed, flexibility and mental acuity so intertwined as it is in tennis. Long noted as a game of physical prowess and mental focus, tennis is played by...
Yoga Symbols – Meaning of Om, Swastika

Yoga Symbols – Meaning of Om, Swastika

Once you start on your yogic journey you will see certain yoga symbols appearing over and over again. From jewellery to T-Shirts, or perhaps on the wall of your local yoga studio. But what do they mean? Let’s take a look… OM The most widely known of yoga...
Yoga For Inflexible People

Yoga For Inflexible People

guest article by Josh Browne Yoga for inflexible people? But I’m too stiff to do yoga! There are many misconceptions about yoga, not the least of which is that it is not meant to be practiced by people who lack flexibility in their bodies. Not surprisingly, this...
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